Is Search Engine Optimization Dead?

I have often heard the term "search engine optimization" is dead. There is some truth in this, and I'll explain what I mean.

Search engines like Google and MSN are very keen to offer excellent end user experience.

It is not in their interest to provide a product that not what the users expect.

Think of the search engines you connect to Google or Yahoo, in fact, how web pages. You are not a separate entity. They are simply Web pages for the market as the other competitors.

So when people say "SEO is dead", what to say "is a concept for the Business SEO stopped working in the site itself offers a good end user experience."

Back in the 90s, companies were specifically for your website get a higher rank in search engines. Take a website, and not really touch the layout code and use it as such methods to improve the Internet traffic and ranking.

This enabled the site absolute garbage, but also to attract visitors when certain techniques were used.

Marketing Search engine optimization is often involved cramming words and the use of software techniques to improve the dubious value of some assets in order to increase Internet Web traffic.

This is not the case, and we should think of this as a "good thing"

The algorithms used by search engines, are now much smarter than finding shortcuts and cheats that can be used to promote a site.

You see, especially for a good layout, the relevance of keywords, graphics and structure. Links from and to sites located in the same niche, and an overall good user experience.

They say they can even interpret some pictures and videos posted on sites to see whether they really what they pretend to be.

Sun third "methodological approach" to optimize your site no longer works on its own.

After a message and the structure of the page that is completely in line with what a user can expect when they visit your URL now much greater.

Engine optimization search services must now work hand in hand with web developers. Its main task now is to ensure that the underlying structure of a website is good, instead of hatred created patches and links to a site.


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